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Problem Solution Supplementary
1. Two Sum 代码实现 —-
2. Add Two Numbers 代码实现 —-
3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 代码实现 —-
4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays 代码实现
6. ZigZag Conversion 代码实现 —-
11. Container With Most Water 代码实现
15. 3Sum 代码实现 视频
16. 3Sum Closest 代码实现 —–
17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number 代码实现 —–
18. 4Sum 代码实现 视频
19. Remove Nth Node From End of List 代码实现 —–
20. Valid Parentheses 代码实现 —–
21. Merge Two Sorted Lists 代码实现 —–
22. Generate Parentheses 代码实现 视频
23. Merge k Sorted Lists 代码实现 —–
24. Swap Nodes in Pairs 代码实现 —-
26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array 代码实现 视频
27. Remove Element 代码实现 —-
28. Implement strStr() 代码实现 —-
30. Substring with Concatenation of All Words 代码实现 —-
31. Next Permutation 代码实现 视频
33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array 代码实现 视频
36. Valid Sudoku 代码实现
37. Sudoku Solver 代码实现
39. Combination Sum 代码实现
40. Combination Sum II 代码实现
42. Trapping Rain Water 代码实现 视频1, 视频2
45. Jump Game II 代码实现 视频
46. Permutations 代码实现
47. Permutations II 代码实现
48. Rotate Image 代码实现
50. Pow(x, n) 代码实现
51. N-Queens 代码实现
53. Maximum Subarray 代码实现
54. Spiral Matrix 代码实现 —-
55. Jump Game 代码实现 视频
56. Merge Intervals 代码实现 —-
57. Insert Interval 代码实现 —-
59. Spiral Matrix II 代码实现 —-
60. Permutation Sequence 代码实现 视频
62. Unique Paths 代码实现 —-
63. Unique Paths II 代码实现 —-
66. Plus One 代码实现
70. Climbing Stairs 代码实现 —-
71. Simplify Path 代码实现 —-
72. Edit Distance 代码实现 —-
73. Set Matrix Zeroes 代码实现
77. Combinations 代码实现
78. Subsets 代码实现
80. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II 代码实现 视频
81. Search in Rotated Sorted Array II 代码实现 视频
83. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List 代码实现
84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram 代码实现
88. Merge Sorted Array 代码实现
89. Gray Code 代码实现 题解, 视频
90. Subsets II 代码实现
93. Restore IP Addresses 代码实现
94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal 代码实现
96. Unique Binary Search Trees 代码实现
98. Validate Binary Search Tree 代码实现
99. Recover Binary Search Tree 代码实现
100. Same Tree 代码实现
101. Symmetric Tree 代码实现 —-
102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal 代码实现 —-
104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree 代码实现 —-
106. Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal 代码实现 —-
108. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree 代码实现 —-
110. Balanced Binary Tree 代码实现 —-
111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree 代码实现 —-
112. Path Sum 代码实现 —-
113. Path Sum II 代码实现 —-
115. Distinct Subsequences 代码实现 —-
120. Triangle 代码实现 —-
121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 代码实现
122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II 代码实现
123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III 代码实现
128. Longest Consecutive Sequence 代码实现 视频
131. Palindrome Partitioning 代码实现
133. Clone Graph 代码实现
134. Gas Station 代码实现 视频
135. Candy 代码实现 —-
136. Single Number 代码实现
137. Single Number II 代码实现 —–
139. Word Break 代码实现 —–
141. Linked List Cycle 代码实现 —-
142. Linked List Cycle II 代码实现 —–
143. Reorder List 代码实现 —–
144. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal 代码实现 —–
145. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal 代码实现 —-
146. LRU Cache 代码实现 —-
150. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation 代码实现 —–
151. Reverse Words in a String 代码实现 —–
160. Intersection of Two Linked Lists 代码实现
162. Find Peak Element 代码实现
172. Factorial Trailing Zeroes 代码实现  
187. Repeated DNA Sequences 代码实现  
188. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV 代码实现
190. Reverse Bits 代码实现
198. House Robber 代码实现
202. Happy Number 代码实现
203. Remove Linked List Elements 代码实现
206. Reverse Linked List 代码实现
207. Course Schedule 代码实现
209. Minimum Size Subarray Sum 代码实现
210. Course Schedule II 代码实现
213. House Robber II 代码实现
216. Combination Sum III 代码实现
219. Contains Duplicate II 代码实现 题解
222. Count Complete Tree Nodes 代码实现
225. Implement Stack using Queues 代码实现
228. Summary Rangess 代码实现
230. Kth Smallest Element in a BST 代码实现
232. Implement Queue using Stacks 代码实现 —-
235. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree 代码实现 —-
236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree 代码实现 —-
239. Sliding Window Maximum 代码实现 —-
241. Different Ways to Add Parentheses 代码实现
242. Valid Anagram 代码实现
256. Paint House 代码实现
257. Binary Tree Paths 代码实现
258. Add Digits 代码实现 题解
260. Single Number III 代码实现
268. Missing Number 代码实现
269. Alien Dictionary 代码实现 题解, 视频
279. Perfect Squares 代码实现 —-
300. Longest Increasing Subsequence 代码实现 —-
306. Additive Number 代码实现 题解, 视频
307. Range Sum Query - Mutable 代码实现 题解, 视频
309. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown 代码实现 —-
318. Maximum Product of Word Lengths 代码实现
322. Coin Change 代码实现
324. Wiggle Sort II 代码实现
332. Reconstruct Itinerary 代码实现
334. Increasing Triplet Subsequence 代码实现 题解
337. House Robber III 代码实现
343. Integer Break 代码实现
344. Reverse String 代码实现
346. Moving Average from Data Stream 代码实现
349. Intersection of Two Arrays 代码实现
357. Count Numbers with Unique Digits 代码实现 题解, 视频
365. Water and Jug Problem 代码实现
372. Super Pow 代码实现 题解
373. Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums 代码实现 题解
376. Wiggle Subsequence 代码实现
377. Combination Sum IV 代码实现
380. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) 代码实现 题解, 视频
382. Linked List Random Node 代码实现
383. Ransom Note 代码实现
385. Mini Parser 代码实现 题解, 视频
386. Lexicographical Numbers 代码实现 题解, 视频
388. Longest Absolute File Path 代码实现 题解, 视频
390. Elimination Game 代码实现
392. Is Subsequence 代码实现
393. UTF-8 Validation 代码实现 题解
395. Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters 代码实现
396. Rotate Function 代码实现 题解
397. Integer Replacement 代码实现
398. Random Pick Index 代码实现 题解
404. Sum of Left Leaves 代码实现
406. Queue Reconstruction by Height 代码实现
410. Split Array Largest Sum 代码实现 视频
415. Add Strings 代码实现 —-
416. Partition Equal Subset Sum 代码实现 —-
417. Pacific Atlantic Water Flow 代码实现 题解视频
419. Battleships in a Board 代码实现 —-
420. Strong Password Checker 代码实现 题解视频
421. Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array 代码实现 —-
427. Construct Quad Tree 代码实现 题解视频
429. N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal 代码实现  
432. All O one Data Structure 代码实现 题解视频
433. Minimum Genetic Mutation 代码实现 题解
435. Non-overlapping Intervals 代码实现 —-
440. K-th Smallest in Lexicographical Order 代码实现 题解视频
429. N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal 代码实现  
436. Find Right Interval 代码实现 题解
442. Find All Duplicates in an Array 代码实现 —-
444. Sequence Reconstruction 代码实现 —-
445. Add Two Numbers II 代码实现 —-
449. Serialize and Deserialize BST 代码实现 —-
450. Delete Node in a BST 代码实现 题解, 视频
452. Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons 代码实现 —-
454. 4Sum II 代码实现 —-
455. Assign Cookies 代码实现 —-
458. Poor Pigs 代码实现 —-
459. Repeated Substring Pattern 代码实现 —-
460. LFU Cache 代码实现 —-
461. Hamming Distance 代码实现 —-
462. Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements II 代码实现 题解, 视频
464. Can I Win 代码实现 题解
467. Unique Substrings in Wraparound String 代码实现 题解
468. Validate IP Address 代码实现 —-
473. Matchsticks to Square 代码实现 题解, 视频
474. Ones and Zeroes 代码实现 —-
475. Heaters 代码实现 题解
478. Generate Random Point in a Circle 代码实现 —-
479. Largest Palindrome Product 代码实现 题解, 视频
481. Magical String 代码实现 视频
491. Increasing Subsequences 代码实现
494. Target Sum 代码实现 —-
496. Next Greater Element I 代码实现 —-
497. Random Point in Non-overlapping Rectangles 代码实现
498. Diagonal Traverse 代码实现
501. Find Mode in Binary Search Tree 代码实现 —-
503. Next Greater Element II 代码实现 —-
504. Base 7 代码实现 题解
506. Relative Ranks 代码实现 —-
507. Perfect Number 代码实现 —-
508. Most Frequent Subtree Sum 代码实现 —-
509. Fibonacci Number 代码实现 —-
513. Find Bottom Left Tree Value 代码实现 —-
514. Freedom Trail 代码实现 —-
515. Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row 代码实现 —-
516. Longest Palindromic Subsequence 代码实现 —-
518. Coin Change 2 代码实现 —-
521. Longest Uncommon Subsequence I 代码实现 题解
522. Longest Uncommon Subsequence II 代码实现 —-
524. Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting 代码实现 题解
530. Minimum Absolute Difference in BST 代码实现 —-
532. K-diff Pairs in an Array 代码实现 题解
535. Encode and Decode TinyURL 代码实现 —-
537. Complex Number Multiplication 代码实现 题解
538. Convert BST to Greater Tree 代码实现 —-
539. Minimum Time Difference 代码实现 题解
540. Single Element in a Sorted Array 代码实现 题解
541. Reverse String II 代码实现
553. Optimal Division 代码实现 题解视频
556. Next Greater Element III 代码实现
558. Logical OR of Two Binary Grids Represented as Quad-Trees 代码实现 题解视频
559. Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree 代码实现
563. Binary Tree Tilt 代码实现
564. Find the Closest Palindrome 代码实现 题解视频
565. Array Nesting 代码实现
572. Subtree of Another Tree 代码实现
583. Delete Operation for Two Strings 代码实现
587. Erect the Fence 代码实现 题解
589. N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal 代码实现 题解
590. N-ary Tree Postorder Traversal 代码实现 题解
591. Tag Validator 代码实现 题解, 视频
592. Fraction Addition and Subtraction 代码实现
593. Valid Square 代码实现
599. Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists 代码实现 题解
605. Can Place Flowers 代码实现  
606. Construct String from Binary Tree 代码实现  
617. Merge Two Binary Trees 代码实现
622. Design Circular Queue 代码实现
623. Add One Row to Tree 代码实现
630. Course Schedule III 代码实现
636. Exclusive Time of Functions 代码实现
640. Solve the Equation 代码实现
641. Design Circular Deque 代码实现
646. Maximum Length of Pair Chain 代码实现
647. Palindromic Substrings 代码实现
648. Replace Words 代码实现
652. Find Duplicate Subtrees 代码实现 视频
653. Two Sum IV - Input is a BST 代码实现  
654. Maximum Binary Tree 代码实现
655. Print Binary Tree 代码实现
658. Find K Closest Elements 代码实现
661. Image Smoother 代码实现 题解
662. Maximum Width of Binary Tree 代码实现 视频
667. Beautiful Arrangement II 代码实现
668. Kth Smallest Number in Multiplication Table 代码实现 题解视频
669. Trim a Binary Search Tree 代码实现
670. Maximum Swap 代码实现
672. Bulb Switcher II 代码实现
674. Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence 代码实现
675. Cut Off Trees for Golf Event 代码实现 题解
676. Implement Magic Dictionary 代码实现 题解, 视频
682. Baseball Game 代码实现 题解
687. Longest Univalue Path 代码实现
688. Knight Probability in Chessboard 代码实现 题解视频
689. Maximum Sum of 3 Non-Overlapping Subarrays 代码实现 题解, 视频
691. Stickers to Spell Word 代码实现 题解视频
692. Top K Frequent Words 代码实现
693. Binary Number with Alternating Bits 代码实现
698. Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets 代码实现
699. Falling Squares 代码实现 题解视频
700. Search in a Binary Search Tree 代码实现
701. Insert into a Binary Search Tree 代码实现
704. Binary Search 代码实现
707. Design Linked List 代码实现
708. Insert into a Cyclic Sorted List 代码实现 题解, 视频
709. To Lower Case 代码实现
710. Random Pick with Blacklist 代码实现
713. Subarray Product Less Than K 代码实现 题解视频
714. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee 代码实现
715. Range Module 代码实现 题解视频1, 视频2
717. 1-bit and 2-bit Characters 代码实现 题解
718. Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray 代码实现
719. Find K-th Smallest Pair Distance 代码实现 题解
720. Longest Word in Dictionary 代码实现 题解视频
722. Remove Comments 代码实现 视频
728. Self Dividing Numbers 代码实现
729. My Calendar I 代码实现
730. Count Different Palindromic Subsequences 代码实现
731. My Calendar II 代码实现 题解视频
732. My Calendar III 代码实现 题解视频
735. Asteroid Collision 代码实现
736. Parse Lisp Expression 代码实现 题解视频
738. Monotone Increasing Digits 代码实现
739. Daily Temperatures 代码实现
741. Cherry Pickup 代码实现
745. Prefix and Suffix Search 代码实现 题解视频
746. Min Cost Climbing Stairs 代码实现
747. Largest Number At Least Twice of Others 代码实现 题解
748. Shortest Completing Word 代码实现
749. Contain Virus 代码实现
753. Cracking the Safe 代码实现
754. Reach a Number 代码实现 视频
757. Set Intersection Size At Least Two 代码实现 题解视频
761. Special Binary String 代码实现 题解视频
763. Partition Labels 代码实现
764. Largest Plus Sign 代码实现
765. Couples Holding Hands 代码实现
768. Max Chunks To Make Sorted II 代码实现
769. Max Chunks To Make Sorted 代码实现
771. Jewels and Stones 代码实现
775. Global and Local Inversions 代码实现
779. K-th Symbol in Grammar 代码实现
780. Reaching Points 代码实现 题解
782. Transform to Chessboard 代码实现 题解, 视频
784. Letter Case Permutation 代码实现
786. K-th Smallest Prime Fraction 代码实现
790. Domino and Tromino Tiling 代码实现 ——
791. Custom Sort String 代码实现 ——
792. Number of Matching Subsequences 代码实现
793. Preimage Size of Factorial Zeroes Function 代码实现
794. Valid Tic-Tac-Toe State 代码实现 题解
795. Number of Subarrays with Bounded Maximum 代码实现
798. Smallest Rotation with Highest Score 代码实现 题解视频
799. Champagne Tower 代码实现 视频
801. Minimum Swaps To Make Sequences Increasing 代码实现 视频
804. Unique Morse Code Words 代码实现 题解
805. Split Array With Same Average 代码实现 视频
806. Number of Lines To Write String 代码实现
807. Max Increase to Keep City Skyline 代码实现
808. Soup Servings 代码实现 题解
809. Expressive Words 代码实现 ——
811. Subdomain Visit Count 代码实现
812. Largest Triangle Area 代码实现 题解, 视频
813. Largest Sum of Averages 代码实现
814. Binary Tree Pruning 代码实现
816. Ambiguous Coordinates 代码实现 视频
817. Linked List Components 代码实现
819. Most Common Word 代码实现 题解
821. Shortest Distance to a Character 代码实现 题解
822. Card Flipping Game 代码实现
823. Binary Trees With Factors 代码实现
827. Making A Large Island 代码实现
828. Count Unique Characters of All Substrings of a Given String 代码实现 题解
829. Consecutive Numbers Sum 代码实现 题解视频
831. Masking Personal Information 代码实现
833. Find And Replace in String 代码实现
838. Push Dominoes 代码实现 题解视频
846. Hand of Straights 代码实现
850. Rectangle Area II 代码实现
854. K-Similar Strings 代码实现
855. Exam Room 代码实现
856. Score of Parentheses 代码实现 视频
857. Minimum Cost to Hire K Workers 代码实现
860. Lemonade Change 代码实现
862. Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K 代码实现
864. Shortest Path to Get All Keys 代码实现 视频
868. Binary Gap 代码实现 题解
870. Advantage Shuffle 代码实现 视频
871. Minimum Number of Refueling Stops 代码实现
873. Length of Longest Fibonacci Subsequence 代码实现
874. Walking Robot Simulation 代码实现
875. Koko Eating Bananas 代码实现
878. Nth Magical Number 代码实现
882. Reachable Nodes In Subdivided Graph 代码实现 题解视频
883. Projection Area of 3D Shapes 代码实现 题解
884. Uncommon Words from Two Sentences 代码实现 题解
886. Possible Bipartition 代码实现
890. Find and Replace Pattern 代码实现
891. Sum of Subsequence Widths 代码实现
895. Maximum Frequency Stack 代码实现
899. Orderly Queue 代码实现
901. Online Stock Span 代码实现
902. Numbers At Most N Given Digit Set 代码实现
904. Fruit Into Baskets 代码实现 视频
905. Sort Array By Parity 代码实现 题解
907. Sum of Subarray Minimums 代码实现 视频
908. Smallest Range I 代码实现
911. Online Election 代码实现
913. Cat and Mouse 代码实现
915. Partition Array into Disjoint Intervals 代码实现
917. Reverse Only Letters 代码实现 题解
918. Maximum Sum Circular Subarray 代码实现
919. Complete Binary Tree Inserter 代码实现
926. Flip String to Monotone Increasing 代码实现 题解
927. Three Equal Parts 代码实现 视频
929. Unique Email Addresses 代码实现
933. Number of Recent Calls 代码实现 题解
934. Shortest Bridge 代码实现
937. Reorder Data in Log Files 代码实现 题解
940. Distinct Subsequences II 代码实现
942. DI String Match 代码实现 题解
946. Validate Stack Sequences 代码实现
952. Largest Component Size by Common Factor 代码实现
953. Verifying an Alien Dictionary 代码实现
954. Array of Doubled Pairs 代码实现 题解, 视频
961. N-Repeated Element in Size 2N Array 代码实现 题解, 视频
965. Univalued Binary Tree 代码实现
968. Binary Tree Cameras 代码实现
969. Pancake Sorting 代码实现 题解
970. Powerful Integers 代码实现
977. Squares of a Sorted Array 代码实现
980. Unique Paths III 代码实现
982. Triples with Bitwise AND Equal To Zero 代码实现
997. Find the Town Judge 代码实现 题解
998. Maximum Binary Tree II 代码实现
1000. Minimum Cost to Merge Stones 代码实现 视频
1001. Grid Illumination 代码实现 题解视频
1003. Check If Word Is Valid After Substitutions 代码实现 ——
1005. Maximize Sum Of Array After K Negations 代码实现 ——
1010. Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60 代码实现 ——
1012. Numbers With Repeated Digits 代码实现 ——
1015. Smallest Integer Divisible by K 代码实现 ——
1016. Binary String With Substrings Representing 1 To N 代码实现 ——
1017. Convert to Base -2 代码实现 ——
1019. Next Greater Node In Linked List 代码实现 ——
1020. Number of Enclaves 代码实现 题解
1021. Remove Outermost Parentheses 代码实现 题解
1022. Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers 代码实现 题解
1023. Camelcase Matching 代码实现 ——
1026. Maximum Difference Between Node and Ancestor 代码实现 ——
1027. Longest Arithmetic Subsequence 代码实现 ——
1031. Maximum Sum of Two Non-Overlapping Subarrays 代码实现 ——
1032. Stream of Characters 代码实现 ——
1033. Moving Stones Until Consecutive 代码实现 ——
1034. Coloring A Border 代码实现 ——
1035. Uncrossed Lines 代码实现 ——
1036. Escape a Large Maze 代码实现 —–
1037. Valid Boomerang 代码实现 题解
1039. Minimum Score Triangulation of Polygon 代码实现 —–
1040. Moving Stones Until Consecutive II 代码实现 —–
1041. Robot Bounded In Circle 代码实现 —–
1042. Flower Planting With No Adjacent 代码实现 —–
1043. Partition Array for Maximum Sum 代码实现 —–
1047. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String 代码实现 ——
1048. Longest String Chain 代码实现 ——
1049. Last Stone Weight II 代码实现 ——
1051. Height Checker 代码实现 题解
1053. Previous Permutation With One Swap 代码实现 ——
1054. Distant Barcodes 代码实现 ——
1072. Flip Columns For Maximum Number of Equal Rows 代码实现 ——
1073. Adding Two Negabinary Numbers 代码实现 ——
1079. Letter Tile Possibilities 代码实现 ——
1080. Insufficient Nodes in Root to Leaf Paths 代码实现 ——
1089. Duplicate Zeros 代码实现 ——
1090. Largest Values From Labels 代码实现 ——
1091. Shortest Path in Binary Matrix 代码实现 ——
1092. Shortest Common Supersequence 代码实现 ——
1093. Statistics from a Large Sample 代码实现 ——
1094. Car Pooling 代码实现 ——
1096. Brace Expansion II 代码实现 ——
1105. Filling Bookcase Shelves 代码实现 ——
1106. Parsing A Boolean Expression 代码实现 视频
1110. Delete Nodes And Return Forest 代码实现 ——
1123. Lowest Common Ancestor of Deepest Leaves 代码实现 ——
1124. Longest Well-Performing Interval 代码实现 视频
1125. Smallest Sufficient Team 代码实现 ——
1129. Shortest Path with Alternating Colors 代码实现 ——
1130. Minimum Cost Tree From Leaf Values 代码实现 ——
1138. Alphabet Board Path 代码实现 ——
1139. Largest 1-Bordered Square 代码实现 视频
1140. Stone Game II 代码实现 ——
1143. Longest Common Subsequence 代码实现 ——
1144. Decrease Elements To Make Array Zigzag 代码实现 ——
1145. Binary Tree Coloring Game 代码实现 ——
1147. Longest Chunked Palindrome Decomposition 代码实现 题解, 视频
1154. Day of the Year 代码实现 题解
1156. Swap For Longest Repeated Character Substring 代码实现 视频
1157. Online Majority Element In Subarray 代码实现 题解
1161. Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree 代码实现 ——
1163. Last Substring in Lexicographical Order 代码实现 题解, 视频
1170. Compare Strings by Frequency of the Smallest Character 代码实现 ——
1171. Remove Zero Sum Consecutive Nodes from Linked List 代码实现 ——
1172. Dinner Plate Stacks 代码实现 ——
1175. Prime Arrangements 代码实现 ——
1177. Can Make Palindrome from Substring 代码实现 ——
1184. Distance Between Bus Stops 代码实现 ——
1185. Day of the Week 代码实现 ——
1186. Maximum Subarray Sum with One Deletion 代码实现 ——
1187. Make Array Strictly Increasing 代码实现 ——
1189. Maximum Number of Balloons 代码实现 题解
1200. Minimum Absolute Difference 代码实现 ——
1206. Design Skiplist 代码实现 ——
1210. Minimum Moves to Reach Target with Rotations 代码实现 视频
1217. Minimum Cost to Move Chips to The Same Position 代码实现 ——
1219. Path with Maximum Gold 代码实现 题解
1220. Count Vowels Permutation 代码实现 题解
1222. Queens That Can Attack the King 代码实现 ——
1223. Dice Roll Simulation 代码实现 ——
1224. Maximum Equal Frequency 代码实现 视频
1233. Remove Sub-Folders from the Filesystem 代码实现 视频
1234. Replace the Substring for Balanced String 代码实现 视频
1235. Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling 代码实现 视频
1237. Find Positive Integer Solution for a Given Equation 代码实现 ——
1238. Circular Permutation in Binary Representation 代码实现 ——
1240. Tiling a Rectangle with the Fewest Squares 代码实现 ——
1247. Minimum Swaps to Make Strings Equal 代码实现 ——
1250. Check If It Is a Good Array 代码实现 ——
1253. Reconstruct a 2-Row Binary Matrix 代码实现 ——
1254. Number of Closed Islands 代码实现 ——
1255. Maximum Score Words Formed by Letters 代码实现 ——
1260. Shift 2D Grid 代码实现 ——
1262. Greatest Sum Divisible by Three 代码实现 ——
1263. Minimum Moves to Move a Box to Their Target Location 代码实现 ——
1276. Number of Burgers with No Waste of Ingredients 代码实现 ——
1281. Subtract the Product and Sum of Digits of an Integer 代码实现 ——
1282. Group the People Given the Group Size They Belong To 代码实现 ——
1289. Minimum Falling Path Sum II 代码实现 ——
1302. Deepest Leaves Sum 代码实现 —–
1305. All Elements in Two Binary Search Trees 代码实现 —–
1326. Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden 代码实现 —–
1330. Reverse Subarray To Maximize Array Value 代码实现 —–
1331. Rank Transform of an Array 代码实现 —–
1332. Remove Palindromic Subsequences 代码实现 题解
1333. Filter Restaurants by Vegan-Friendly, Price and Distance 代码实现 —–
1335. Minimum Difficulty of a Job Schedule 代码实现 —–
1342. Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero 代码实现 题解
1345. Jump Game IV 代码实现 题解
1349. Maximum Students Taking Exam 代码实现 视频
1356. Sort Integers by The Number of 1 Bits 代码实现 ——
1373. Maximum Sum BST in Binary Tree 代码实现 ——
1374. Generate a String With Characters That Have Odd Counts 代码实现 ——
1375. Number of Times Binary String Is Prefix-Aligned 代码实现 ——
1376. Time Needed to Inform All Employees 代码实现 ——
1377. Frog Position After T Seconds 代码实现 ——
1380. Lucky Numbers in a Matrix 代码实现 题解
1388. Pizza With 3n Slices 代码实现 ——
1392. Longest Happy Prefix 代码实现 ——
1401. Circle and Rectangle Overlapping 代码实现 ——
1403. Minimum Subsequence in Non-Increasing Order 代码实现 ——
1405. Longest Happy String 代码实现 题解, 视频
1408. String Matching in an Array 代码实现 ——
1413. Minimum Value to Get Positive Step by Step Sum 代码实现 ——
1414. Find the Minimum Number of Fibonacci Numbers Whose Sum Is K 代码实现 题解
1417. Reformat The String 代码实现 ——
1419. Minimum Number of Frogs Croaking 代码实现 ——
1422. Maximum Score After Splitting a String 代码实现 ——
1423. Maximum Points You Can Obtain from Cards 代码实现 ——
1439. Find the Kth Smallest Sum of a Matrix With Sorted Rows 代码实现 ——
1441. Build an Array With Stack Operations 代码实现 —–
1444. Number of Ways of Cutting a Pizza 代码实现 —–
1447. Simplified Fractions 代码实现  
1448. Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree 代码实现  
1449. Form Largest Integer With Digits That Add up to Target 代码实现 视频
1450. Number of Students Doing Homework at a Given Time 代码实现 ——
1455. Check If a Word Occurs As a Prefix of Any Word in a Sentence 代码实现 ——
1457. Pseudo-Palindromic Paths in a Binary Tree 代码实现 ——
1460. Make Two Arrays Equal by Reversing Sub-arrays 代码实现 ——
1462. Course Schedule IV 代码实现 ——
1463. Cherry Pickup II 代码实现  
1464. Maximum Product of Two Elements in an Array 代码实现  
1470. Shuffle the Array 代码实现  
1475. Final Prices With a Special Discount in a Shop 代码实现 视频
1483. Kth Ancestor of a Tree Node 代码实现  
1487. Making File Names Unique 代码实现  
1488. Avoid Flood in The City 代码实现  
1494. Parallel Courses II 代码实现  
1499. Max Value of Equation 代码实现  
1518. Water Bottles 代码实现 题解
1572. Matrix Diagonal Sum 代码实现  
1574. Shortest Subarray to be Removed to Make Array Sorted 代码实现  
1576. Replace All ?’s to Avoid Consecutive Repeating Characters 代码实现 题解
1582. Special Positions in a Binary Matrix 代码实现  
1590. Make Sum Divisible by P 代码实现  
1592. Rearrange Spaces Between Words 代码实现  
1595. Minimum Cost to Connect Two Groups of Points 代码实现  
1598. Crawler Log Folder 代码实现  
1599. Maximum Profit of Operating a Centennial Wheel 代码实现  
1601. Maximum Number of Achievable Transfer Requests 代码实现 题解视频
1604. Alert Using Same Key-Card Three or More Times in a One Hour Period 代码实现  
1605. Find Valid Matrix Given Row and Column Sums 代码实现  
1606. Find Servers That Handled Most Number of Requests 代码实现 题解视频
1608. Special Array With X Elements Greater Than or Equal X 代码实现  
1610. Maximum Number of Visible Points 代码实现 ——
1614. Maximum Nesting Depth of the Parentheses 代码实现 ——
1615. Maximal Network Rank 代码实现 ——
1616. Split Two Strings to Make Palindrome 代码实现 ——
1617. Count Subtrees With Max Distance Between Cities 代码实现 ——
1619. Mean of Array After Removing Some Elements 代码实现 视频
1620. Coordinate With Maximum Network Quality 代码实现 ——
1624. Largest Substring Between Two Equal Characters 代码实现 ——
1625. Lexicographically Smallest String After Applying Operations 代码实现 ——
1626. Best Team With No Conflicts 代码实现 ——
1629. Slowest Key 代码实现 ——
1630. Arithmetic Subarrays 代码实现 ——
1632. Rank Transform of a Matrix 代码实现 ——
1636. Sort Array by Increasing Frequency 代码实现 ——
1637. Widest Vertical Area Between Two Points Containing No Points 代码实现 ——
1638. Count Substrings That Differ by One Character 代码实现 ——
1640. Check Array Formation Through Concatenation 代码实现 ——
1641. Count Sorted Vowel Strings 代码实现 ——
1653. Minimum Deletions to Make String Balanced 代码实现 ——
1654. Minimum Jumps to Reach Home 代码实现 ——
1656. Design an Ordered Stream 代码实现 ——
1658. Minimum Operations to Reduce X to Zero 代码实现 视频
1659. Maximize Grid Happiness 代码实现 视频
1662. Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent 代码实现 ——
1663. Smallest String With A Given Numeric Value 代码实现 ——
1664. Ways to Make a Fair Array 代码实现 视频
1668. Maximum Repeating Substring 代码实现 视频
1669. Merge In Between Linked Lists 代码实现 ——
1671. Minimum Number of Removals to Make Mountain Array 代码实现 ——
1672. Richest Customer Wealth 代码实现 ——
1681. Minimum Incompatibility 代码实现 ——
1684. Count the Number of Consistent Strings 代码实现  
1687. Delivering Boxes from Storage to Ports 代码实现 ——
1688. Count of Matches in Tournament 代码实现 ——
1690. Stone Game VII 代码实现 视频
1691. Maximum Height by Stacking Cuboids 代码实现 ——
1697. Checking Existence of Edge Length Limited Paths 代码实现 ——
1700. Number of Students Unable to Eat Lunch 代码实现 ——
1703. Minimum Adjacent Swaps for K Consecutive Ones 代码实现  
1704. Determine if String Halves Are Alike 代码实现
1706. Where Will the Ball Fall 代码实现 题解
1710. Maximum Units on a Truck 代码实现 ——
1716. Calculate Money in Leetcode Bank 代码实现 题解
1719. Number Of Ways To Reconstruct A Tree 代码实现 题解视频
1723. Find Minimum Time to Finish All Jobs 代码实现 题解
1725. Number Of Rectangles That Can Form The Largest Square 代码实现 题解
1726. Tuple with Same Product 代码实现  
1732. Find the Highest Altitude 代码实现  
1739. Building Boxes 代码实现  
1742. Maximum Number of Balls in a Box 代码实现  
1748. Sum of Unique Elements 代码实现 题解
1749. Maximum Absolute Sum of Any Subarray 代码实现  
1750. Minimum Length of String After Deleting Similar Ends 代码实现  
1752. Check if Array Is Sorted and Rotated 代码实现  
1753. Maximum Score From Removing Stones 代码实现  
1754. Largest Merge Of Two Strings 代码实现 题解, 视频
1758. Minimum Changes To Make Alternating Binary String 代码实现 ——
1759. Count Number of Homogenous Substrings 代码实现  
1760. Minimum Limit of Balls in a Bag 代码实现  
1761. Minimum Degree of a Connected Trio in a Graph 代码实现  
1763. Longest Nice Substring 代码实现 题解, 视频
1764. Form Array by Concatenating Subarrays of Another Array 代码实现  
1765. Map of Highest Peak 代码实现 题解
1768. Merge Strings Alternately 代码实现  
1769. Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box 代码实现  
1773. Count Items Matching a Rule 代码实现  
1774. Closest Dessert Cost 代码实现  
1775. Equal Sum Arrays With Minimum Number of Operations 代码实现  
1779. Find Nearest Point That Has the Same X or Y Coordinate 代码实现  
1780. Check if Number is a Sum of Powers of Three 代码实现 ——
1781. Sum of Beauty of All Substrings 代码实现 视频
1785. Minimum Elements to Add to Form a Given Sum 代码实现  
1790. Check if One String Swap Can Make Strings Equal 代码实现 ——
1791. Find Center of Star Graph 代码实现 题解
1792. Maximum Average Pass Ratio 代码实现  
1796. Second Largest Digit in a String 代码实现  
1797. Design Authentication Manager 代码实现  
1798. Maximum Number of Consecutive Values You Can Make 代码实现  
1799. Maximize Score After N Operations 代码实现 题解, 视频
1800. Maximum Ascending Subarray Sum 代码实现 ——
1801. Number of Orders in the Backlog 代码实现 ——
1802. Maximum Value at a Given Index in a Bounded Array 代码实现 视频
1803. Count Pairs With XOR in a Range 代码实现 ——
1805. Number of Different Integers in a String 代码实现 ——
1806. Minimum Number of Operations to Reinitialize a Permutation 代码实现 ——
1807. Evaluate the Bracket Pairs of a String 代码实现 ——
1812. Determine Color of a Chessboard Square 代码实现 ——
1813. Sentence Similarity III 代码实现 ——
1814. Count Nice Pairs in an Array 代码实现 ——
1815. Maximum Number of Groups Getting Fresh Donuts 代码实现 ——
1816. Truncate Sentence 代码实现 ——
1817. Finding the Users Active Minutes 代码实现 ——
1819. Number of Different Subsequences GCDs 代码实现 ——
1822. Sign of the Product of an Array 代码实现 ——
1823. Find the Winner of the Circular Game 代码实现 题解, 视频
1824. Minimum Sideway Jumps 代码实现 ——
1825. Finding MK Average 代码实现 ——
1827. Minimum Operations to Make the Array Increasing 代码实现 题解
1828. Queries on Number of Points Inside a Circle 代码实现 ——
1832. Check if the Sentence Is Pangram 代码实现 ——
1851. Minimum Interval to Include Each Query 代码实现 ——
1901. Find a Peak Element II 代码实现 视频
1921. Eliminate Maximum Number of Monsters 代码实现 ——
1962. Remove Stones to Minimize the Total 代码实现 ——
1971. Find if Path Exists in Graph 代码实现 ——
1945. Sum of Digits of String After Convert 代码实现 ——
1954. Minimum Garden Perimeter to Collect Enough Apples 代码实现 ——
1984. Minimum Difference Between Highest and Lowest of K Scores 代码实现  
1993. Operations on Tree 代码实现  
1994. The Number of Good Subsets 代码实现 题解, 视频
1996. The Number of Weak Characters in the Game 代码实现 题解, 视频
2000. Reverse Prefix of Word 代码实现 题解
2006. Count Number of Pairs With Absolute Difference K 代码实现  
2011. Final Value of Variable After Performing Operations 代码实现  
2013. Detect Squares 代码实现 题解, 视频
2016. Maximum Difference Between Increasing Elements 代码实现 题解
2022. Convert 1D Array Into 2D Array 代码实现 ——
2024. Maximize the Confusion of an Exam 代码实现 题解视频
2027. Minimum Moves to Convert String 代码实现 ——
2028. Find Missing Observations 代码实现 题解
2029. Stone Game IX 代码实现 题解, 视频
2032. Two Out of Three 代码实现 ——
2034. Stock Price Fluctuation 代码实现 ——
2037. Minimum Number of Moves to Seat Everyone 代码实现 ——
2038. Remove Colored Pieces if Both Neighbors are the Same Color 代码实现 题解
2039. The Time When the Network Becomes Idle 代码实现 题解视频
2042. Check if Numbers Are Ascending in a Sentence 代码实现 ——
2044. Count Number of Maximum Bitwise-OR Subsets 代码实现 题解视频
2045. Second Minimum Time to Reach Destination 代码实现 题解
2047. Number of Valid Words in a Sentence 代码实现 ——
2048. Next Greater Numerically Balanced Number 代码实现 ——
2049. Count Nodes With the Highest Score 代码实现 题解
2055. Plates Between Candles 代码实现 题解视频
2062. Count Vowel Substrings of a String 代码实现 ——
2063. Vowels of All Substrings 代码实现 ——
2100. Find Good Days to Rob the Bank 代码实现 题解视频
2104. Sum of Subarray Ranges 代码实现 题解视频
2106. Maximum Fruits Harvested After at Most K Steps 代码实现 ——
2136. Earliest Possible Day of Full Bloom 代码实现 ——
2178. Maximum Split of Positive Even Integers 代码实现 ——
2180. Count Integers With Even Digit Sum 代码实现 ——
2182. Construct String With Repeat Limit 代码实现 ——
2185. Counting Words With a Given Prefix 代码实现 ——
2208. Minimum Operations to Halve Array Sum 代码实现 ——
2240. Number of Ways to Buy Pens and Pencils 代码实现 ——
2251. Number of Flowers in Full Bloom 代码实现 ——
2276. Count Integers in Intervals 代码实现 视频
2283. Check if Number Has Equal Digit Count and Digit Value 代码实现 —–
2287. Rearrange Characters to Make Target String 代码实现 —–
2293. Min Max Game 代码实现 —–
2299. Strong Password Checker II 代码实现 —–
2303. Calculate Amount Paid in Taxes 代码实现 ——
2309. Greatest English Letter in Upper and Lower Case 代码实现 —–
2315. Count Asterisks 代码实现 —–
2319. Check if Matrix Is X-Matrix 代码实现 —–
2325. Decode the Message 代码实现 —–
2331. Evaluate Boolean Binary Tree 代码实现 —–
2335. Minimum Amount of Time to Fill Cups 代码实现 —–
2341. Maximum Number of Pairs in Array 代码实现 —–
2342. Max Sum of a Pair With Equal Sum of Digits 代码实现 —–
2347. Best Poker Hand 代码实现 —–
2351. First Letter to Appear Twice 代码实现 ——
2352. Equal Row and Column Pairs 代码实现 ——
2357. Make Array Zero by Subtracting Equal Amounts 代码实现 ——
2363. Merge Similar Items 代码实现 ——
2367. Number of Arithmetic Triplets 代码实现 ——
2373. Largest Local Values in a Matrix 代码实现 ——
2379. Minimum Recolors to Get K Consecutive Black Blocks 代码实现 ——
2383. Minimum Hours of Training to Win a Competition 代码实现 ——
2389. Longest Subsequence With Limited Sum 代码实现 ——
2395. Find Subarrays With Equal Sum 代码实现 ——
2399. Check Distances Between Same Letters 代码实现 ——
2404. Most Frequent Even Element 代码实现 ——
2409. Count Days Spent Together 代码实现 ——
2413. Smallest Even Multiple 代码实现 ——
2415. Reverse Odd Levels of Binary Tree 代码实现 ——
2418. Sort the People 代码实现 ——
2423. Remove Letter To Equalize Frequency 代码实现 ——
2427. Number of Common Factors 代码实现 ——
2432. The Employee That Worked on the Longest Task 代码实现 ——
2437. Number of Valid Clock Times 代码实现 ——
2441. Largest Positive Integer That Exists With Its Negative 代码实现 ——
2446. Determine if Two Events Have Conflict 代码实现 ——
2451. Odd String Difference 代码实现 ——
2455. Average Value of Even Numbers That Are Divisible by Three 代码实现 ——
2460. Apply Operations to an Array 代码实现 ——
2465. Number of Distinct Averages 代码实现 ——
2469. Convert the Temperature 代码实现 ——
2475. Number of Unequal Triplets in Array 代码实现 ——
2481. Minimum Cuts to Divide a Circle 代码实现 ——
2485. Find the Pivot Integer 代码实现 ——
2488. Count Subarrays With Median K 代码实现 ——
2490. Circular Sentence 代码实现 ——
2496. Maximum Value of a String in an Array 代码实现 ——
2500. Delete Greatest Value in Each Row 代码实现 ——
2511. Maximum Enemy Forts That Can Be Captured 代码实现 ——
2512. Reward Top K Students 代码实现 ——
2517. Maximum Tastiness of Candy Basket 代码实现 ——
2525. Categorize Box According to Criteria 代码实现 ——
2530. Maximal Score After Applying K Operations 代码实现 ——
2532. Time to Cross a Bridge 代码实现 ——
2050. Parallel Courses III 代码实现 ——
2549. Count Distinct Numbers on Board 代码实现 ——
2559. Count Vowel Strings in Ranges 代码实现 ——
2560. House Robber IV 代码实现 视频
2562. Find the Array Concatenation Value 代码实现 ——
2569. Handling Sum Queries After Update 代码实现 ——
2578. Split With Minimum Sum 代码实现 ——
2582. Pass the Pillow 代码实现 ——
2586. Count the Number of Vowel Strings in Range 代码实现 ——
2591. Distribute Money to Maximum Children 代码实现 ——
2594. Minimum Time to Repair Cars 代码实现 ——
2596. Check Knight Tour Configuration 代码实现 ——
2600. K Items With the Maximum Sum 代码实现 ——
2603. Collect Coins in a Tree 代码实现 ——
2605. Form Smallest Number From Two Digit Arrays 代码实现 ——
2609. Find the Longest Balanced Substring of a Binary String 代码实现 ——
2611. Mice and Cheese 代码实现 ——
2660. Determine the Winner of a Bowling Game 代码实现 ——
2679. Sum in a Matrix 代码实现 ——
2681. Power of Heroes 代码实现 ——
2682. Find the Losers of the Circular Game 代码实现 ——
2699. Modify Graph Edge Weights 代码实现 ——
2706. Buy Two Chocolates 代码实现 ——
2731. Movement of Robots 代码实现 ——
2735. Collecting Chocolates 代码实现 ——
2788. Split Strings by Separator 代码实现 ——
2807. Insert Greatest Common Divisors in Linked List 代码实现 ——
2828. Check if a String Is an Acronym of Words 代码实现 ——
2861. Maximum Number of Alloys 代码实现 ——
2866. Beautiful Towers II 代码实现 ——
2916. Subarrays Distinct Element Sum of Squares II 代码实现 ——
5194. Minimum Moves to Reach Target Score 代码实现 题解
5259. Calculate Amount Paid in Taxes 代码实现 —–
5270. Minimum Path Cost in a Grid 代码实现 —–
5289. Fair Distribution of Cookies 代码实现 视频
5976. Check if Every Row and Column Contains All Numbers 代码实现 题解
5977. Minimum Swaps to Group All 1’s Together II 代码实现 —–
5982. Solving Questions With Brainpower 代码实现 题解
5992. Maximum Good People Based on Statements 代码实现 题解, 视频
6003. Minimum Time to Remove All Cars Containing Illegal Goods 代码实现 题解, 视频
6094. Naming a Company 代码实现 视频
6296. Alternating Digit Sum 代码实现 视频
6297. Sort the Students by Their Kth Score 代码实现 视频
6298. Apply Bitwise Operations to Make Strings Equal 代码实现 视频
6299. Minimum Cost to Split an Array 代码实现 视频
6307. Pass the Pillow 代码实现 视频
6308. Kth Largest Sum in a Binary Tree 代码实现 视频
6309. Split the Array to Make Coprime Products 代码实现 题解, 视频
6310. Number of Ways to Earn Points 代码实现 视频
6315. Count the Number of Vowel Strings in Range 代码实现 视频
6316. Rearrange Array to Maximize Prefix Score 代码实现 视频
6317. Count the Number of Beautiful Subarrays 代码实现 视频
6318. Minimum Time to Complete All Tasks 代码实现 题解, 视频
6362. Merge Two 2D Arrays by Summing Values 代码实现 视频
6363. Find the String with LCP 代码实现 题解, 视频
6364. Count the Number of Square-Free Subsets 代码实现 视频
6365. Minimum Operations to Reduce an Integer to 0 代码实现 视频

剑指 Offer

Problem Solution Supplementary
剑指 Offer 05. 替换空格 代码实现 ——
剑指 Offer 47. 礼物的最大价值 代码实现 ——
剑指 Offer 58 - II. 左旋转字符串 代码实现 ——


Problem Solution Supplementary
面试题 04.06. 后继者 代码实现 题解, 视频
面试题 05.02. 二进制数转字符串 代码实现 ——
面试题 16.19. 水域大小 代码实现 ——
面试题 17.05. 字母与数字 代码实现 ——
面试题 17.11. 单词距离 代码实现 题解, 视频


Problem Solution Supplementary
LCP 06. 拿硬币 代码实现 ——
LCP 33. 蓄水 代码实现 ——
LCP 41. 黑白翻转棋 代码实现 视频
LCP 50. 宝石补给 代码实现 ——